Cristina Rosell

Cristina M Rosell is Head of Department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences in the University of Manitoba and Adjunct Professor in the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA) that belongs to the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). She was appointed Vicedirector (2011-2015) and Director of IATA (2015-2019), one of the top 5 institutes dedicated to food research and innovation in Spain. 

She is member of the Advisory Board of World Sustainable Urban Food Centre of València (CEMAS). She has been invited professor in different Universities (North Caroline University, La Trobe University in Australia, and University of California Davis), Associate Professor in the University of Valencia (UV) and Distinguished Professor at Tec Monterrey (Mexico). She has been involved in numerous National (Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology), European and International research projects related to cereals, grains and baked goods. She has been President of Spanish Association of Cereal Science and Technology (AETC) (2011-2019), member on the board of Spanish Foundation for the Celiac Disease (2008-2015), besides the Spanish representative in the International Standardization Organization (ISO) and European Standardization Committee (CEN) for Cereals and derivatives (2008-2022).

She has more than three hundred international peer reviewed scientific publications and book chapters on the cereals topic (HI 68). Main research topics include: to enhance the marketability and healthfulness of cereals and grains commodities and processed products to meet consumer and producer demands. Biochemistry, rheology, quality and nutritional attributes, and consumer preferences are main areas of research. A holistic approach is applied in all the research projects.