Peter Shewry

Peter Shewry leads a research programme at Rothamsted Research on the development, structure and composition of wheat grain focusing on improving the quality for processing and human health. His current interests focus on increasing the dietary fibre content of white flour by exploiting genetic variation and exploring the mechanism of action in collaboration with biomedical scientists.

He is the author of over 500 refereed papers in international journals) and has written many major reviews and book chapters He has edited or co-edited 19 books (including the 4th edition of Wheat: Chemistry and Technology and has recently co-authored the book Wheat: Environment, Food and Health (Wiley, 2022).

In 2000 he was awarded the Thomas Burr Osborne medal by the AACC, in 2002 was the joint recipient (with Donald Kasarda) of the Rank Prize for Nutrition, and in 2016 the Clyde H Bailey medal by the ICC.