Raúl Comettant-Rabanal
Dr. Raúl Comettant-Rabanal is a current professor at Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista in Peru. He obtained his Doctoral degree in Food Science and Technology from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ-Brazil). In 2017, he graduated as Magister Scientiae in Food Technology from the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM - Peru). Prior to this, he obtained a Bachelor's degree in Food Industries in 2009 and an Engineering degree in Food Industries in 2013 from the Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca (UNC - Peru). The researcher's areas of focus include cereal technology and processing, whole grains, gluten-free products, thermoplastic food extrusion/extrusion cooking, physical properties, starch technology, viscoelastic food rheology, food texture, and bakery product development.